Thursday, September 22, 2011


Alexa Kayoum period 6

Topic: School Changes

Angles: School Changes and what you want

Script: Students wishing they could change there school to fulfill the needs they want. 

Stand Up: Many people have been attending school for awhile and have had many things they wish they could change about it.

Interview 1: I've been in high school for 3 years now and I wish that we got to pick the electives we wanted and it wasn't based off credits. I believe high school gym class is a huge joke and no one takes it seriously. I feel like once you reach high school years it shouldn't be required. There's many other classes that someone could use that could further their education to prepare them for college instead of gym. I also believe that 5th hour should be commons for everyone. It’s just a break in the day and then it lets the students pick the lunch period they want to attend. I myself find lunch to be very intimidating because I never know where to sit and it just gives me a lot of anxiety. If the school had an email to write suggestions on what they want to see change I think I'd really help.

Interview 2: I started school this year for my first year as a junior and I have noticed that everyone is very clicky and has their own groups. I want there to be different after school activities to meet more of the students that just came to the school because I feel like I don't know anybody and that would be a great way to get to know my peers.

Segue: Besides wanting class's change or new activities maybe there's a way to make the school more enjoyable.

Interview 3: For me to make school a more enjoyable place I think that we should start school at a later time. I feel like I'm always rushed in the morning and just getting that extra hour of sleep would help me be more attentive in class. Another thing that I would enjoy is during period switches it would be fun if they play some music in the hall ways. I think it would be an exciting way to walk to class and just keep your day going in a positive fun filled way.

Close: There's many changes students want done, who knows maybe someday they will consider it.
Reporting for the Flash, I'm Alexa.

Script Out (anchor): Thanks Alexa, It looks like many students have different views on what they want to see changed

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